2018/11/12 探索的分析を中心とした予測部門のチュートリアルを公開しました。
2018/11/12 よくある質問をFAQに整理しました。
2018/12/06 FAQに「アイデア部門」に関するよくある質問を追加しました。
2018/12/06 過去の入賞作品のリンクをわかりやすくしました。






提出物予測モデル + レポートHTMLファイルやポスター等
評価精度精度上位 +レポートの審査成果物の審査










・精度は、評価データの実測値と予測値の差を誤差と定義し、評価期間中の「mean absolute error(MAE:平均絶対誤差)」により評価します。



 - 予測モデルのソースコード
 - 学習済モデル
 - 解説書(実行環境、実行時間*1、予測結果の再現手順*1、乱数シード*2、特徴量の説明や寄与度*3、モデリング手法、工夫点、得られた示唆等)
   *1 : 前処理部分、学習部分、予測部分それぞれに対して明記
   *2 : Random Forest等の乱数を利用した手法を用いた場合
   *3 : 算出が可能な手法を用いた場合
 - アンケート(参加の動機、費やした時間、ご意見・感想等)

 - 事務局からの手続き上の連絡・要求に対して指定された期限内に対応しない
 - 参加条件やルールを満たしていない
 - プログラムが動作しない
 - 最終提出した予測値と学習済モデルから出力される予測値が一致しない


※ 扱うデータはどのような形でも(オープンでもクローズでも)構いません。


井口 博美
武蔵野美術大学デザイン情報学科 教授, デザイン・ラウンジディレクター

伊勢 勝己
東日本旅客鉄道株式会社 常務執行役員 

齊藤 秀
株式会社SIGNATE 社長, 筑波大学人工知能科学センター客員教授, 理化学研究所 革新知能統合研究センター 客員研究員, 国立がん研究センター研究所 客員研究員 

杉山 将
理化学研究所 革新知能統合研究センター センター長, 東京大学 大学院新領域創成科学研究科 複雑理工学専攻 教授, 産業技術総合研究所 人工知能研究センター 客員研究員 

辻井 潤一
産業技術総合研究所 フェロー, 産業技術総合研究所 人工知能研究センター研究センター長

樋口 知之
情報・システム研究機構 理事, 統計数理研究所長, 総合研究大学大学院統計科学専攻 教授

古川 敦
公益財団法人鉄道総合技術研究所 総務部長






・モデルの学習に利用するツールは、オープン且つ無料なもの(python, R 等)に限定。

後援:文部科学省、国土交通省、インフラメンテナンス国民会議、筑波大学 人工知能科学センター、公益財団法人 鉄道総合技術研究所、一般社団法人 日本鉄道施設協会、モビリティ変革コンソーシアム
協賛:東日本旅客鉄道株式会社、株式会社NTTドコモ、京セラ株式会社、さくらインターネット株式会社、株式会社ジェイアール総研情報システム、株式会社JR東日本情報システム、Tableau Japan 株式会社、株式会社日本線路技術、日本電気株式会社、パナソニック株式会社、株式会社日立製作所、三菱電機株式会社
















第3回ビッグデータ分析コンテスト 入賞者の予測モデル・作品
    予測部門 精度賞 1位.Team-Itou-One
    予測部門 アイデア賞 1位.masato
    可視化部門 インフォグラフィック賞 1位.Dot
交通コンサルティング事業と データ分析事例
graphillion - 莫大な数の部分 グラフを扱う Python ライブラリ
Tracking the progress of Japan's trains

Disclosure policy

As a general rule, in accordance with Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the terms of participation, diclosing any contents such as insights and deliverables transmitted through the information or data provided by our company in relation to this competition is not permitted, however, only after the completion of this competition and for non-commercial purposes, it will be possible to disclose the contents within the score of the table below
Model *1
Analysis results *2
Public : Posting to social media sites, blogs and source repositories, and citing to papers
Restricted : Using in a limited range from research, education to seminars, where many unspecified people cannot access
*1 Execution unit source code and learned models
*2 The insights obtained using the information and data provided, or the solutions including scripts and processed data such as summary statistics




Q. 分析した内容を論文に利用してもよいですか?

A. 本コンテストを通じて得たノウハウやテクニックに関して、以下条件を満たす場合に限り、論文等を執筆・投稿することが可能です。


Q. 補修は、凹んだ部分を直す、つまりマイナスの軌道変位の数値を0に戻すものだと思いますが、それ以外のケースもあるのでしょうか。補修の方法や種類を教えてください。

A. 軌道変位の計測に利用している10m弦正矢法の原理上、数値がプラスに劣化する場合もあります。このため全てが凹むわけではありません。補修とは、列車走行によって軌道変位の絶対値が大きくなった部分を直すことで、定期的なチェックの元、変位があるしきいを超えていた場合等に機械を使用して1日で対応します。

Q. 軌道検測や設備台帳データをアイデア部門に利用することは可能ですか?

A. 可能です。

Q. ルールの実装方法記載の「同じフォーマットで、異なるデータを入力した場合にも同様なロジックで予測できなければなりません。」というのは、今回公開されているデータセットの路線とは異なる路線、または同じ路線の異なるキロ程でも作成したモデルで予測できなければならないということでしょうか。つまり、今回公開されている路線・キロ程の範囲に特化したモデルではダメということでよろしいでしょうか。


Q. Google Colaboratory は利用してよいですか?

A. 有料ツールや、有料のAPIの利用は禁止ですが、Google Colaboratoryは、無料ですので利用可能です。

Q. Google Cloud Platform は使用可能ですか?

A. 分析環境として使用すること自体は構いませんが、プログラムがGPCの環境上でしか動かないような方法、例えば、Auto ML や Big Query の利用等は禁止となります。

Q. Amazon EC2 の Windows Server を利用することは可能ですか?

A. 分析環境として使用すること自体は構いません。ただし、メモリ容量の指定がある場合は、上限32GBまでとしてください。

Q. 高低左の値が1日単位でスパイク状に変化する箇所が見られますが、この発生メカニズムを教えていただけないでしょうか?

A. 営業車両で軌道検測を実施しているため、駅構内で停車する際の番線が日によって異なることがあります。基本的には別番線を走行した場合は、データ取得を止める仕組みとしていますが、場合によっては、データが取得されてしまう場合があります。なぜなら、検測点は車輪の回転に応じて付与される仕組みとなっており、滑走(車輪が回転しないのに電車が進む)や空転(車輪が回転しているのに電車が進まない)が生じると、位置がずれてしまうからです。検測地点のズレが生じた場合、補正する手法を導入していますが、補正手法は日々改良を重ねているため、データの取得時期によっては、複数のデータが存在する場合があります。異常値を除去したうえで、予測するモデルの構築を検討してください。また、評価期間における異常値は評価の対象外となりますのでご安心ください。

Q. アイデア部門の分析は人工知能技術等を使わなければならないのですか?

A. 分析に人工知能技術を使う必要は特にございません。

Q. アイデア部門は、分析しようとするアイデアだけを記載した文面でもよいですか?

A. アイデアがどこまでの範囲を指すのかによりますが、使ったデータやアイデアを導いた一連のストーリーも必要となります。昨年の入賞作品を参考にしてください。

Q. アイデア部門で用いるデータはオープンデータでなければならないのですか?

A. 特に制限はなく、オープンでもクローズでも構いません。

Q. アイデア部門の分析もインフラメンテナンスをテーマにしなければならないのですか?

A.  テーマが鉄道であればインフラメンテナンスに限る必要はございません。


A.コンテストの締切と同様、1/10(木) 23:59:59 です。レポート未提出の場合は精度賞においても評価の対象外となりますのでご注意ください。

In order to participate in the Competition, you are required to agree to these Terms, in addition to the Terms of Use of SIGNATE.JP Site (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms of Use”). You should participate in the Competition after reading carefully and agreeing to these Terms. If you agree, these Terms, the matters that are added to these Terms as "additional matters", the Terms of Use and other terms and conditions that you have agreed to shall be binding on the relevant parties as integral documents.

Article 1. Definitions

1.For the purpose of these Terms, the following terms shall be defined as follows:

(1)"Site" means the website "SIGNATE (” on which the Competitions are posted.
(2)"Competition" means any competition on AI development or data analysis on the Site as held by the Host.
(3)"Host" is the host(s) of the Competitions. The Host may be SIGNATE, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) or the Company’s client companies, affiliated companies, schools or organizations, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Client(s)”).
(4)"Participant(s)" means the member(s) who participate in a Competition.
(5)"Submissions" means, collectively, the analysis and prediction results and reports, etc. as submitted in the Competition.
(6)"Final Submissions" means the Submissions that are specified by a Participant on the prescribed page in the Site by the time of completion of a Competition.
(7)"Winner Candidate" means the Participant who has received a notice from the Company that he/she is nominated as a winner candidate.
(8)"Submissions for Final Judgment" means the analysis and prediction model and learning data, etc. as submitted by a Winner Candidate pursuant to the instructions of the Company.
(9)"Final Judgment" means the acceptance inspection and judgment, including reproducibility verification, by the Company for the Final Submissions and Submissions for Final Judgment of a Winner Candidate.
(10)"Winner" means the Winner Candidate who is informed by the Company that he/she has won a prize.
2.Unless otherwise defined in these Terms, the terms used in these Terms that are defined in the Terms of Use shall have the same meaning as defined in the Terms of Use.

Article 2. Competition

1.A member who desires to participate in a Competition shall be required to agree to these Terms and to satisfy the conditions for participation as specified in each such Competition. Any person who is not a member shall not participate in any Competition.
2.Participants shall participate in each Competition in the manner as advised by the Company and shall be obligated to comply with the rules as prescribed in each Competition.
3.Participants may submit the Submissions for the assignment of each Competition during the period of such Competition and submit a proposal on the method of solving the problem to the Host by the end of the period of the said Competition.
4.Participants may submit the Final Submissions in the form specified in each Competition by the time specified by the said Competition.
5.The Final Submissions as submitted shall be evaluated by the evaluation method as specified in each Competition and the final rank order shall be determined based on such evaluation.
6.Any Participant may, as a general rule, check the evaluation results of the Participant him/herself and each of the other Participants on the Site for the Submissions that may be evaluated quantitatively.
7.Participants shall be liable or otherwise responsible for their own Submissions, including their legality.
8.Participants shall not submit any Submissions that have no direct relationship to each Competition.
9.Unless otherwise provided for, Participants shall not directly communicate to, consult with, make a request to, solicit or take any other actions with the Host in respect of the matters related to a Competition during the period of the said Competition.
10.Any Participant who has uncertainty or questions about any Competition shall make sure to contact the Company or its designee through the procedures prescribed by the Company as posted on the Site.
11.The Company shall not be obligated to pay any remuneration or other consideration other than those prescribed in the following Article for any act of the Participants as prescribed in paragraphs hereof.

Article 3 Reward and Vesting of Rights

1.Unless otherwise provided for, any Participant shall satisfy the following requirements in order to be entitled to receive a reward in any Competition that offers a reward:

(1)To be a winner;
(2)To agree to transfer to the Host and the relevant transferee of rights in such Competition all transferable rights, such as copyrights, rights to obtain patents and know-how, etc. in and to all analysis and prediction results, reports, analysis and prediction model, algorithm, source code and documentations for the model reproducibility, etc., and the Submissions contained in the Final Submissions and Submissions for Final Judgment (including the rights as prescribed in Article 27 and Article 28 of the Copyright Act and the rights to obtain patents; hereinafter referred to as the "Rights");
(3)To agree that any relevant transferee of rights exclusively has the right to use the know-how contained in the Final Submissions and Submissions for Final Judgment for its own business and other purpose without any restriction;
(4)To agree not to exercise moral rights to the Rights against the relevant transferee of rights;
(5)To enter into an agreement for the transfer of the Rights with the relevant eligible transferee of rights, including the agreement to the matter in the preceding three (3) items and other reasonable provisions;
(6)To have the personal identity of such Participant verified by the Company.
(7)Not to breach any provision of these Terms and the Terms of Use.

2.Any Winner Candidate shall, after having received a notice from the Company that he/she is nominated as a winner candidate, submit the Submissions for Final Judgment on or before the designated date and communicate the matters requiring confirmation or response in relation to the Final Submissions and the Submissions for Final Judgment to the Company on or before the designated date, in accordance with the instructions of the Company. The Company shall carry out the final judgment based on such matters requiring confirmation or response. If the Company receives no confirmation or response satisfactory to the Company on or before the designated date, the Company may exclude such Winner Candidate from the subject of the final judgment.
3.If the Company considers that the Final Submissions or Submissions for Final Judgment need to be amended or modified, or there occur any additional matters requiring confirmation, in the course of the final judgment, any Winner Candidate shall take action or make response in relation to the matters that require amendment, etc. or the detailed information on the matters requiring confirmation, on or before the designated date in accordance with the instructions of the Company. If the Company receives no action or response satisfactory to the Company on or before the designated date, the Company may exclude such Winner Candidate from the final judgment.
4.The Company shall determine the Winner through the final judgment and inform the Winner to that effect.

Article 4 Confidentiality

1.Any Participant shall treat any information and data that they receive from the Company in relation to each Competition (hereinafter referred to as the "Company-Provided Information") as confidential information and shall not disclose the same to any third party and use the same for any purpose other than for such Competition and purpose specified by the Company separately; provided, however, that the confidential information shall not include any information that falls under any of the following items:

(1)Information that is known to the public at the time of the disclosure;
(2)Information that is already possessed by the Participant at the time of the disclosure (only in the case where such Participant may demonstrate such fact by reasonable means);
(3)Information that becomes known to the public without the fault of the Participant after the disclosure;
(4)Information that is independently developed by the Participant without reference to any information as disclosed (except for those Submissions of the person eligible for a prize which are evaluated); or
(5)Information that is rightfully disclosed by any third party having a right to do so without the obligations of confidentiality (only in the case where such Participant may demonstrate such fact by reasonable means).

2.Any Participant shall delete or return to the Company the Company-Provided Information immediately after the completion of each Competition.
3.Any Winner shall handle his/her Final Submissions and Submissions for Final Judgment in the same manner as prescribed in paragraph 1 hereof.
4.If there is any separate arrangement in relation to the confidential information in each Competition, the provisions of such arrangement shall prevail over the provisions of these Terms.
5.If any dispute occurs between the Host or other third party and the Company due to the breach by any Participant of the provisions of this Article and such other party makes any claim against the Company, such Participant shall compensate for any damage, loss, expenses (including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees), lost profits and lost revenues, etc. incurred by the Company.
6.The provisions of this Article shall survive the termination of the relevant Competition or the Participant’s completion of the procedures for withdrawal from the service of the Company, with respect to the Company-Provided Information and the Winner’s Final Submissions and Submissions for Final Judgment for a period of five (5) years thereafter.

Article 5 Prohibited Acts of Participants

1.The Company shall prohibit Participants from engaging in any of the following acts in any Competition:

(1)An act of cracking, cheating, spoofing other misconduct;
(2)An act of directly communicating to, consulting with, making a request to, soliciting or responding to solicitation or other activities to other Participants or the Host (other than the Company) without the involvement of the Company;
(3)Any profitmaking activities using the Competition (including solicitation or scouting activities, and use for a third party in educational business, etc.) without the prior approval of the Company in writing or any other manner specified by the Company;
(4)Transfer, offering as collateral or other disposition of the status as a Participant or the rights or obligations as a Participant (except with the prior written consent of the Company); and
(5)Any other act in breach of the Terms of Use.

2.If the Company deems that a Participant engages in any of the prohibited acts as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the Company may, without prior notice to the Participant, disqualify the Participant from the Competition in which the Participant participates, temporarily suspend the Participant from using the service of the Company, withdraw the Participant’s membership, claim damages from the Participant or take any other measures deemed necessary by the Company.

Article 6. Change, Discontinuation or Termination of Provision of Services under These Terms

1.The Company may change or temporarily suspend the services provided by the Company under these Terms without prior notice to the members.
2.Upon one (1) month prior notice to the members, the Company may suspend for a long period of time or terminate the services provided by the Company under these Terms.
3.The Company shall not be liable for any results or damage arising from the measures taken by the Company under this Article.

Article 7. Modification of Terms

1.The Company may modify, add or delete any provisions of these Terms from time to time without the approval of the members.

Enforced on April 1, 2018