Account Registration
I didn't receive a confirmation code to finish sms verification. Possible reasons are as follows:
I didn't receive a six-digit code for account registration.
Account Information
How do I change my username?
How do I change my password?
How do I change my email address?
How do I turn off email notifications?
How do I close / delete my account?
Can I create multiple accounts?
How do I join competitions?
What are the characteristics of each type of competition?
I don't know where to start.
I have done the practice competitions but I am still nervous to joining with-prize competitions.
Can we join competitions with organizing an workplace study group and exchanging information?
Where can I download the dataset?
I have issues with downloading data.
Can I use external data to train my model?
Can I still download the dataset after the compeition finished?
Team Creation
How do I create a team?
I cannot create a team.
Can I add a nen member later?
How do I leave a team?
Can I submit from the SIGNATE CLI?
I have issues with submitting my predictions.
What happens if a team is disbanded?
Where can I find the documentation of the competition team-up feature?
Model Submission
I am receiving an error for my submission.
Do submission errors affect daily submission limits?
The submit button does not appear.
I want to know about the Runtime feature.
Model Evaluation
I want to know about the LIVE evaluation feature.
What is the value of public / private split ratio?
Can I get the ground truth dataset used for the evaluation?
I have detected suspicious user activity.
Competition Rewards
How are the rankings determined?
I want to know the medal acquition conditions.
I want to know the tier awarding conditions.
Competition Terms
Can I post a capture of the leaderboard on SNS sites?
Can I publish the analysis results of a finished competition on my blog?
Can we share the analysis results of a finished competition with workplace study group?
Can I use data from a competition for a research paper?
Winning Model Documentation / Procedure
Does participating in competitions for prize money constitute a side business?
I cannot reproduce my final submission score because the fixed seed is not available.
The prize money has not been transferred yet.
Can you distribute and transfer the prize money for each team member as we have joined as a team?
I am interested in hosting a competition.
I want to know about the SIGNATE CLI.
What web browser do you recommended for using SIGNATE?