

  1. エンターテイメント分野、教育、介護などでのクイズ活用を目指し、「文法等が正しく、嘘がなく、テーマに沿ったおもしろいクイズ」を自動生成する「早押しクイズ自動作問AI」の開発を競う。


  2. 「『文法等が正しく、嘘がなく、テーマに沿ったおもしろいクイズ』の生成、評価」のコンペ通して、自然言語処理や生成系AIの各種課題(生成系AIが間違った出力を行ういわゆる「Hallucination」など)の解決策を議論する。
  3. コンペティションを通じ、「クイズの面白さ」を評価するデータセットを構築していく。

※ 生成系AIを評価するコンペティションは他に例が少なく、また日本語データセットも揃っていない状況です。今回は「お試しの開催」という形でご理解いただきたいと思います。



【予選】 〜2023年11月30日


  • 予選においては、外部LLM(ChatGPT、BARD等)を使い利用料がかかった場合も、各種予算は自己負担となります。
  • 予選においては、無料GUI版ChatGPT等を用い要素技術をご検討いただく形だけでも構いません。その場合、フォーマットに従わなくともChatGPTなどに入力するプロンプト全体をお送りいただく形も可能とします(予算や技術の関係で外部LLMを使えない方向けの措置)。本戦では、直接インプットを読めるようにスクリプト化していただきたいと考えていますが、その方法等は要相談とします(スプリプト化する部分を実行委員会有志で協力するなど)。




  • 予選と同じ評価手法で、700点満点で得点をつけ、合計得点の上位3人が最終報告会における決勝戦に進出します。
  • 本戦及びその準備においては、外部商用LLMの利用券や利用料の提供を行うことを検討しています。ただし、予算充当のために何らかの研究報告が必要になる可能性があるため、利用券や利用料の供与を受けた取り組みは、入力に用いたプロンプトやアルゴリズムを公開Web等でご報告いただくことを義務とする場合があります。詳細は後日お知らせします。



  • 本戦上位3人は、クイズの発表順を上位から決めることができます。
  • 本戦において生成した20問のクイズから、徳久による手動審査の結果評価の高かった上位10問を抽出し、審査委員に出題します。(同点評価の場合、徳久による比較で評価が高い問題を抽出します)
  • ゲスト審査委員には、提示する基準のもと、3つのうちどの問題が「最もイベントが盛り上がる問題だったか」を選んでいただきます。一人が選ぶごとに、本戦の点数に30点を加算します。(最大90点加算)
  • 最終報告会において、上位3位に入った方は、アプローチ等の説明時間を設けます。発表に協力いただけるとありがたいです。また、4位以下でも、ご協力いただける方には発表をお願いしたいと考えております。



徳久 倫康 氏



鶴崎 修功 氏



仲野 隆也 氏



矢野 了平 氏

構成作家・クイズ作家。1977年埼玉県生まれ。高校・大学時代は『第4回高校生オープン』『パネルクイズアタック25』で優勝するなどクイズプレイヤーとしても活躍。その後構成作家となり、『水曜日のダウンタウン』『マツコ&有吉 かりそめ天国』『パンサー向井の#ふらっと』などのバラエティ番組を手掛ける一方、『くりぃむクイズミラクル9』『高校生クイズ』など多くのクイズ番組を手掛けた。『佐藤健&千鳥ノブよ!この謎を解いてみろ!』『今夜はナゾトレ』など謎解きブームの影の立役者でもある。



  • 人力による評価となります。評価基準は以下とし、生成結果を700点満点で評価します。(pdf)
  • 今回は実行委員会の徳久倫康が、参加団体名を隠した状態で、同じ基準で一人で採点を行います。(評価者を増やすのは、第2回以降で検討します。)


  • 各問題群について、700点満点で採点した結果です。(excel)


  • 提示されたインプットを直接読み取って、自動出力するツールを最終的に作成していただきます。
  • 「早押し解答部門」と異なり、サーバー等は各自の環境でご用意いただき、各環境で計算いただいた上で結果をご提出いただく予定です。(ただし、本戦以降は実行委員会でサーバーを用意する可能性もございます)
  • 「早押し解答部門」と異なり、クラウドサービスで展開される商用LLM(ChatGPT, BARD等)を使用しても構いません。ただし、広く公開されているものを使うものとし、かけてよいコストは月額料金で3000円程度(ChatGPTPlusまで)、1問あたりの生成は1円以内を目安としてください。(過度な投資競争を防ぐためです。)
  • もちろん、商用LLMを用いず、独自モデル構築する手法を取っても構いません。
  • 単一計算機で完結しないモデルを使った場合、提出時に何を使ったかを明示していただきます。


  • 利用可能なデータセット/テキスト/モデルは、一般公開されているもののみとします.一部のユーザーしか使えないデータなどを使ったシステムは評価対象外とします.有償公開のものも使用できますが、利用料等を踏まえ最終的に「月額コストは3000円程度まで、1問当たりの生成コストが1円以内」になるようなツールに限ることにします。
  • ただし,独自に作成したデータやモデルであっても,無償・有償を問わず、一般公開すれば利用可能となります.他の組織でも結果を再現できるか,というのが一つの目安となります.
  • ただし、著作権への留意をお読みください。

  • JAQKETの訓練データ・開発データ
  • 参加者が独自にダウンロードしたWikipediaのデータ(これをもとに生成したクイズを公開する場合、適切な表示を行うことが条件)

※ 本コンペ限定で教師データや元ネタとして入力としてよいテキストデータやクイズ問題の許可を得られましたら、こちらに追加いたします。ご協力いただける文章の著作者の方は、トップページの連絡先までご連絡ください。

No private sharing outside team ルール

  • チーム外の他の参加者と、本コンペのフォーラム以外のプライベートな場において、コードやデータなどを共有することや、戦略などについて具体的な議論を行うことを禁止します。 このルールは本戦の課題送付後や、最終報告会でのライブコンペにのみ適用されます。
  • チーム人数は最大で5人です(チーム作成方法はこちら)。



  • 一般ユーザーが使用できる公開LLM(商用含む)が出力する表現は、使用してよいルールとします。 LLMが出力する表現が、もととなった文章の著作権違反を起こしてないかについては議論が分かれているところです。今回は、公開LLMのデータはユーザーが制御できないものであり、研究目的に限った上で使用したツールを明示することで対応します。
  • Wikipediaで用いられている文章表現から直接クイズを作成した場合、そのクイズがWikipedia文章の二次著作物となる場合があるため、出力されたクイズ公開時はWikipediaの示す「クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示-継承 3.0 非移植」に従い、適切な表示を行ってください。
  • Wikipedia以外の文章やデータを入力として利用する際は、このページで明確に許諾を得られたサイトを除き、一般的な著作権法に従った利用をお願いします。著作者の二次利用許諾を得られていない文章表現が、生成されたクイズ問題文に組み込まれないよう留意して下さい。
    • 著作物の定義「思想又は感情を創作的に表現したものであって、文芸、学術、美術又は音楽の範囲に属するものをいう。(著作権法第2条第1項第1号)」を踏まえ、事実に相当する単語を抜き出し、自然言語処理等で適切に接続詞等によりつなぐことは問題ない可能性が高いですが、「思想又は感情を創作的に表現した」文章そのものをクイズに組み込むことは著作権法上の引用の要件を満たさない限り難しいと解釈できます。また、著作物をクイズ文章の生成に直接使わず「ファクトチェックに使う」用途だけであれば、著作物の利用にあたらないと解釈できます。
  • 皆様に作成いただいたコードやモデルは、作成した皆様が権利を有します。非公開・公開等は自由ですが、今後の技術の発展のため、緩めのライセンスでGit-Hubなどを通じた公開をしていただけるとありがたいです。

実行委員会の森岡が作成した、OpenAI APIを用いたベースラインモデルです。 MITライセンスで公開されているため、これをベースに開発を行っても構いません。

Disclosure policy

As a general rule, in accordance with Article 4, Paragraph 1 of the terms of participation, diclosing any contents such as insights and deliverables transmitted through the information or data provided by our company in relation to this competition is not permitted, however, only after the completion of this competition and for non-commercial purposes, it will be possible to disclose the contents within the score of the table below
Model *1
Analysis results *2
Public : Posting to social media sites, blogs and source repositories, and citing to papers
Restricted : Using in a limited range from research, education to seminars, where many unspecified people cannot access
*1 Execution unit source code and learned models
*2 The insights obtained using the information and data provided, or the solutions including scripts and processed data such as summary statistics


Terms of Participation in SIGNATE Competition

In order to participate in the Competition, you are required to agree to these Terms, in addition to the Terms of Use of SIGNATE.JP Site (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms of Use”). You should participate in the Competition after reading carefully and agreeing to these Terms. These Terms, the matters that are displayed as “additional matters” that you have agreed to when participating in a Competition, the Terms of Use and other terms and conditions that you have agreed to (hereinafter collectively referred to as “these Terms, etc.”) shall all be binding on the Participant.

Article 1 Definitions

1. For the purpose of these Terms, the following terms shall be defined as follows:

(1) “Site” means the website “SIGNATE (https://signate.jp)” on which the Competitions are posted.
(2) “Competition” means any competition on AI development or data analysis on the Site as held by the Host.
(3) “Host” is the host(s) of the Competition. The Host may be SIGNATE, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) or the Company’s client companies, affiliated companies, schools or organizations, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Client(s)”).
(4) “Participant(s)” means the member(s) (which mean “member(s)” defined in the Terms of Use, and the same shall apply hereinafter) who participate in a Competition.
(5) “Submissions” means, collectively, the analysis and prediction results, prediction models and reports, etc. as submitted in the Competition.
(6) “Final Submissions” means the Submissions submitted by a Participant that the Participant has specified as a final submission on the prescribed page in the Site by the time of completion of a Competition.
(7) “Winner Candidate” means the Participant who has received a notice from the Company that he/she is nominated as a winner candidate.
(8) “Submissions for Final Judgment” means the Submissions and other items designated by the Company as submitted by a Winner Candidate pursuant to the instructions of the Company.
(9) “Final Judgment” means the acceptance inspection and judgment, including reproducibility verification, by the Company for the Final Submissions and Submissions for Final Judgment of a Winner Candidate.
(10) “Winner” means the Winner Candidate who is informed by the Company that he/she has won a prize.
(11) “OSS” means software licensed based on OSS License Terms.
(12) “OSS License Terms” means any of the following license terms
(1) Either the GNU General Public License or the GNU Lesser General Public License published by the Free Software Foundation, Inc.;
(2) License terms listed at www.opensource.org/licenses/ or derivatives thereof;
(3) License terms that regard the software as “free software” or “open source software”; and
(4) License terms or agreements similar to the license terms listed in each of the three preceding items which request the user to disclose, distribute or license to a third party, or not to exercise, etc., the licensed software, its derivatives and the intellectual property rights associated therewith in whole or in part.

Article 2 Competition

1. A member who desires to participate in a Competition shall be required to agree to these Terms, etc. and to satisfy the conditions for participation as specified in each such Competition. Any person who is not a member shall not participate in any Competition.
2. Participants shall participate in each Competition in the manner as advised by the Company and shall be obligated to comply with the rules as prescribed in each Competition.
3. Participants may submit the Submissions for the assignment of a Competition during the period of such Competition and submit as many proposals on the method of solving the problem as specified by the Company to the Host by the end of the period of the said Competition.
4. Participants may submit Submissions in the form specified in the Competition and specify those Submissions as a Final Submission on the prescribed page in the Site by the end time specified by the said Competition.
5. Participants’ Final Submissions shall be evaluated in accordance with the evaluation method specified in the Competition and the final ranking shall be determined based on such evaluation.
6. Participants may, as a general rule, check their own evaluation results and the evaluation results of each of the other Participants for Submissions that may be evaluated quantitatively on the Site.
7. Participants shall be solely liable for their own Submissions, including the legality and non-infringement of the Submission.
8. Participants shall not submit any Submissions that have no direct relationship to each Competition.
9. Unless otherwise provided for, Participants may not directly communicate to, consult with, make a request to, solicit or take any other actions with the Host in respect of the matters related to a Competition during the period of the said Competition.
10. Participants shall direct any questions or concerns regarding any Competition to the Company or the third party designated by the Company in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the Company as posted on the Site.
11. Participants shall produce Submissions in compliance with the OSS License Terms related to the OSS when using or incorporating OSS in a Submission. However, Participants shall not use or incorporate OSS for which commercial use is prohibited in a Submission.
12. The Host shall not be obligated to pay any remuneration or other consideration for any act of the Participants in a Competition under any pretext. And the Company shall not be obligated to pay any remuneration or other consideration other than those prescribed in the following Article for any act of the Participants in a Competition.

Article 3 Reward and Vesting of Rights

1. Unless otherwise provided for, any Participant shall satisfy the requirements set forth in the following items in order to be entitled to receive a reward in any Competition that offers a reward:

(1) To be a winner;
(2) To agree to transfer to the Host and the relevant transferee of rights in such Competition all transferable rights, such as copyrights (including the rights as prescribed in Article 27 and Article 28 of the Copyright Act, and the same shall apply hereinafter), rights to obtain patents and know-how, etc. in and to all analysis and prediction results, prediction models, reports, etc., written explanations on algorithms, source code and reproduction method, etc. (although not limited to these), and the Submissions contained in the Final Submissions and Submissions for Final Judgment (hereinafter referred to as the “Rights”) along with a guarantee that the Participant has the authority to transfer such Rights;
(3) To guarantee that any relevant transferee of rights may use the Rights contained in the Final Submissions and Submissions for Final Judgment for its own business and other purpose without any restriction and to agree to their exclusive use of such Rights;
(4) To agree not to exercise moral rights to the Rights against the relevant transferee of rights;
(5) To enter into an agreement for the transfer of the Rights with the relevant eligible transferee of rights, including the guarantee of and agreement to the matters in the preceding three (3) items and other reasonable provisions;
(6) To have the personal identity of such Participant verified by the Company; and
(7) Not to breach any provision of these Terms, etc.

2. Any Winner Candidate shall, after having received a notice from the Company that he/she is nominated as a winner candidate, submit the Submissions for Final Judgment on or before the designated date and communicate the matters requiring confirmation or response in relation to the Final Submissions and the Submissions for Final Judgment to the Company on or before the designated date, in accordance with the instructions of the Company. The Company shall carry out the final judgment based on such matters requiring confirmation or response. If the Company receives no confirmation or response satisfactory to the Company on or before the designated date, the Company may exclude such Winner Candidate from the subject of the final judgment and the Winner Candidate shall not raise any objection thereto.
3. If the Company considers that the Final Submissions or Submissions for Final Judgment need to be amended or modified, or there occur any additional matters requiring confirmation, in the course of the final judgment, any Winner Candidate shall take action or make response in relation to the matters that require amendment or modification, or the matters requiring confirmation, on or before the designated date in accordance with the instructions of the Company. If the Company receives no action or response satisfactory to the Company on or before the designated date, the Company may exclude such Winner Candidate from the final judgment and the Winner Candidate shall not raise any objection thereto.
4. The Company shall determine the Winner through the final judgment and inform the Winner to that effect.

Article 4 Confidentiality

1. Any Participant shall treat any information and data that they receive from the Company in relation to Competitions as well as knowledge and products, etc. obtained using such information and data (including Participant Submissions; hereinafter referred to as the “Company-Provided Information”) as confidential information and shall not disclose the same to any third party and use the same for any purpose other than for such Competition and purpose specified by the Company separately; provided, however, that the confidential information shall not include any information that falls under any of the following items:

(1) Information that is known to the public at the time it was received;
(2) Information that is already possessed by the Participant at the time it was received (only in the case where such Participant may demonstrate such fact by reasonable means);
(3) Information that becomes known to the public without the fault of the Participant after it was received;
(4) Information that is independently developed by the Participant without reference to any information received; or
(5) Information that is rightfully received from any third party having a right to disclose such information without the obligations of confidentiality (only in the case where such Participant may demonstrate such fact by reasonable means).

2. Any Winner shall handle his/her Final Submissions and Submissions for Final Judgment in the same manner as Company-Provided Information after receiving notification that they are a winner. And Participant Submissions other than the Winner’s Final Submissions and Submissions for Final Judgment shall not be included as Company-Provided Information after the Company has determined the Winner notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
3. Any Participant may publish any algorithms that they have developed as well as any other materials they have created in connection with their participation in a Competition (including Final Submissions and Submissions for Final Judgment) after that Competition in accordance with the Competition Information Disclosure Policy (hereinafter, "Information Disclosure Policy") posted on the Site. However, Participants shall observe the following matters when publishing information and may not publish any materials prohibited by the Information Disclosure Policy:

(1) Clarify that the materials were created in connection with participation in the Competition;
(2) Give credit in accordance with the notation method prescribed in the Information Disclosure Policy when the materials to be published contain part of a dataset; and
(3) Clarify the location accessible to all Participants (including but not limited to the Competition forum and other locations designated by the Company) where the materials are published (including links, etc.) if publishing materials outside the Competition forum.

4. Any Participant shall delete or return to the Company the Company-Provided Information (excluding the information prescribed in paragraph 3) immediately after the completion of a Competition.
5. If there is any separate arrangement in relation to the confidential information in a Competition, the provisions of such arrangement shall prevail over the provisions of these Terms.
6. If any dispute occurs between a third party and the Host or the Company due to the breach by any Participant of the provisions of this Article and such other party makes any claim against the Company or the Host, such Participant shall compensate for any damage, loss, expenses (including, but not limited to, attorneys’ fees), lost profits and lost revenues, etc. incurred by the Company and the Host.
7. The provisions of this Article shall survive the termination of the relevant Competition or the Participant’s completion of the procedures for withdrawal from all services provided by the Company, with respect to the Company-Provided Information and the Winner’s Final Submissions and Submissions for Final Judgment for a period of five (5) years thereafter.

Article 5 Prohibited Acts of Participants

1. The Company shall prohibit Participants from engaging in any of the following acts in any Competition:

(1) An act of cracking, cheating, spoofing and other misconduct;
(2) An act of redistributing data files included in the dataset;
(3) An act of directly communicating to, consulting with, making a request to, soliciting or responding to solicitation or other activities to other Participants or the Host (other than the Company) without the involvement of the Company for the purpose of furthering the Participant’s own interests;
(4) Any profitmaking activities using the Competition (including but not limited to solicitation or scouting activities, and use for a third party in educational business, etc.) without the prior approval of the Company in writing or any other manner specified by the Company;
(5) An Act of transferring, offering as collateral or otherwise disposing of the Participants’ standing, or the rights or obligations, as a Participant in any Competition (except with the prior written consent of the Company);
(6) Acts that infringe upon the intellectual property rights, trade secrets or any other rights of third parties; and
(7) Any other act in breach of these Terms, etc.

2. If the Company deems that a Participant has engaged in, or may engage in, any of the prohibited acts as prescribed in the preceding paragraph, the Company may, without prior notice to the Participant, disqualify the Participant from the Competition in which the Participant participates, temporarily suspend the Participant from using some or all of the services provided by the Company, withdraw the Participant’s membership, claim damages from the Participant or take any other measures deemed necessary by the Company.

Article 6 Modification of Terms

1. The Company may modify, add or delete any provisions of these Terms from time to time without the approval of Participants.

October 6, 2023